home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {$R-} {Range checking off}
- {$B-} {Boolean complete evaluation off}
- {$S-} {Stack checking off}
- {$I+} {I/O checking on}
- {$N-} {No numeric coprocessor}
- {$M 65500,16384,655360} {Turbo 3 default stack and heap}
- { Program ASC2PAS (TM) source code Copyright (C) '88 Bruce L. Rosenberg.
- This program is being made available to individuals on a royalty-free
- basis for noncommercial use. Contact the author for licensing information.
- For further information contact:
- Bruce L. Rosenberg, 23 N. Chelsea Ave., Atlantic City, NJ 08405,
- (609) 345-4712.
- }
- program ASC2PAS; { completed 4-8-88 }
- Uses
- Crt,
- Dos;
- type
- ascii = set of 0..127;
- askstrtype = string[65];
- fnstrtype = string[14];
- var
- inf: text;
- outf: text;
- line: string[80];
- LocOnLine,CharCount : integer;
- infname: fnstrtype;
- outfname: fnstrtype;
- askstr : askstrtype;
- AskResp : char;
- const
- PrnChars: ascii = [32..126];
- newline: ascii = [10,13];
- {============================================================================}
- procedure name_outfile(infname : fnstrtype; VAR outfname : fnstrtype);
- var
- dotpos,nl : integer;
- tstr : string[8];
- begin
- for nl := 1 to length(infname) do
- begin
- if ord(infname[nl]) = 46 then dotpos := nl;
- end;
- if dotpos <= length(infname) then tstr := copy(infname,1,dotpos-1)
- else
- tstr := infname;
- outfname := concat(tstr,'.pax');
- end;
- {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure prompt_user;
- begin
- writeln(
- writeln;
- writeln(
- 'ATTENTION: This program appends a .PAX extension to converted files.');
- writeln;
- if paramcount = 0 then
- begin
- write('Enter name of ASCII file to convert to pascal: ');
- readln(infname); { read entered name }
- end else infname := paramstr(1);
- name_outfile(infname,outfname);
- end;
- {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure wrapup;
- begin
- writeln;
- writeln(
- 'File ',infname,' was converted to a pascal source file ',outfname,'.');
- writeln;
- writeln(
- ' T H A N K S F O R U S I N G A S C 2 P A S ( TM )');
- writeln;
- writeln(
- (* for i := 1 to 5 do
- begin
- write(#7); { beeps 5 times to signal p/o finished }
- delay (1000);
- end;
- *)
- end;
- {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure read_write;
- begin
- assign(inf,infname); { assign that name to in }
- reset(inf); { set pointer to 0 (beginning of disk file)}
- assign(outf,outfname);
- rewrite(outf);
- writeln(outf,'BEGIN');
- writeln(outf,'clrscr;');
- while not eof(inf) do
- begin { printing next line }
- LocOnLine := 1; { position along the line (column) set to 1.}
- readln(inf,line); { reads line of data from named disk file }
- if length(line) = 0 then writeln(outf,'writeln;');
- for CharCount := 1 to length(line) do
- begin
- if ord(line[CharCount]) in PrnChars then {Elim. form feeds, esc, etc.}
- begin
- if LocOnLine = 1 then
- begin
- writeln(outf,'writeln(');
- write(outf,'''');
- end;
- write(outf,line[CharCount]); (* Does chars within line; *)
- if ord(line[CharCount]) = 39 then write(outf,#39);
- (* above handles case of single quotes *)
- if CharCount = length(line) then writeln(outf,''');');
- LocOnLine := LocOnLine + 1
- end;
- end; { for-do line print }
- end; { while not eof }
- writeln(outf,
- '{ File, ',infname,', was transformed into pascal source by ASC2PAS (TM). }');
- writeln(outf,
- 'END.');
- close(inf);
- close(outf);
- end;
- {============================================================================}
- begin { main program ASC2PAS }
- clrscr;
- prompt_user;
- read_write;
- wrapup;
- end. { program ASC2PAS }
- {============================================================================}